

To study the optimal maintenance strategy for bridges over the whole life cycle under the influence of life cycle environment and life cycle cost, this paper built a multi-objective optimization model for bridge life cycle maintenance decision by adopting preventive maintenance and substantial maintenance as the basic maintenance methods, and bridge reliability, life cycle environment and life cycle cost as the objective functions. Additionally, it derived the quantification method of indicators including the time-varying reliability, life cycle environment and life cycle cost indicators of the bridge, and determined the computational process of bridge life cycle maintenance decision optimization based on the genetic algorithm. The optimal maintenance strategy set for a prestressed concrete continuous T-shaped beam bridge was analyzed as an example. The results show that the implementation of preventive maintenance can improve the bridge reliability probability and reduce the frequency of substantial maintenance. Meanwhile, this can reduce the life cycle cost and environmental effect, and better extend the time of first implementing substantial maintenance, delaying the reduction of the reliability indicators.

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March 2025


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