In steel deck pavement, after the occurrence of local diseases, steel plates are prone to rapid rust to exacerbate the disease development. To this end, based on the waterproof adhesive system of polymethyl methacrylate resin for steel deck pavement under the marine environment, this paper adopted the organosilicone-modified epoxy resin as the main raw material, which was combined with the cashew phenol-modified phenolic amine and polyamide mixed curing agent. Meanwhile, this paper added a new type of environmentally friendly rust prevention pigment to produce the long-lasting anticorrosive primer for steel deck pavement. The technical requirements of the long-lasting anticorrosive primer for steel deck pavement were formulated with reference to relevant specifications. By considering the thermal aging effect of asphalt pavement at high temperature, water and chemical medium corrosion and salt spray effect, the performance test of the anticorrosive primer after single-factor and multi-factor combined effect was completed. Additionally, the compatibility between the long-lasting anticorrosive primer and waterproof and pavement layers was experimentally investigated and compared with the traditional anticorrosive primer for steel deck pavement.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Dongbo, YAN; Yongyi, ZHUANG; Yan, LIU; Zhenfu, CHEN; and Deliang, CENG
"Study on long-lasting anticorrosive primer for steel deck paveme nt in marin e environment,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
4, Article 23.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.04.023
Available at:
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