To optimize the structural scheme of steel-ultra-high performance concrete (steel-UHPC) light composite stiffening beams for large-span self-anchored suspension bridges, by taking the Qinglongzhou Bridge in Yiyang as the research object, this paper employed finite element simulation and full-scale tests to compare and verify three steel-UHPC composite stiffening beam schemes, and compare the indicators such as static behavior and economic properties. The results show that the UHPC stiffened girder is the best choice for the structural performance and economic characteristics. The results show that the UHPC waferboard, UHPC longitudinal rib plate without web reinforcement, UHPC longitudinal rib plate with long bolts and steel strips can meet the design requirements. Specifically, the UHPC longitudinal rib plate with long bolts and steel strips has higher flexural rigidity and crack-resistant safety reserves, and can reach 5.4 times the demand value. The new type of T joints of the deck plate can realize zero-welding of the deck plate by reasonably reserving the reinforcement, and reduce the breaking joints caused by fiber discontinuity in the high tensile stress area in the UHPC plate. The steel-UHPC light composite beam features superior performance, high applicability, and sound economy and application prospects.
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Submission Date
March 2025
Recommended Citation
Xin, ZHANG; Yu, LI; and Yong, LIU
"Research on structural design of Steel-UHPC light composite beam of large-span self-anchored suspension bridge,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
4, Article 24.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.04.024
Available at:
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