

By taking the pier bearing platform 9# of the non-navigable bridge in the eastern flood-relief area of Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link as the research project, this paper introduced the cofferdam structure of prefabricated combined steel sheet piles using the support-first construction process from the aspects of the cofferdam structural form, cross-section type of steel sheet piles, construction process, and support system, and adopted the finite element method to numerically analyze the whole cofferdam construction process. The combined cross-section of cap-shaped steel sheet piles and H-shaped steel greatly improves the rigidity of steel sheet piles. Additionally, the construction process of the support-first method leads to more reasonable force of sheet piles and internal support, thus making the steel sheet pile cofferdam suitable for larger water depth. Meanwhile, the prefabricated internal support structure system reduces the hidden safety danger of steel sheet pile replacement, with strong operability and high prefabrication degree of components. This enhances the conversion efficiency of the internal support system and turnover efficiency of the materials in the cofferdam and reduces the construction period and cost.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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