

At the deck-rib welding joints of orthotropic steel bridge decks, cracking can easily occur under the vehicle load, and the fatigue risk of steel bridge decks can be effectively reduced by UHPC reinforcement. To investigate the effect of UHPC-reinforced steel bridge decks, this paper carried out finite element analysis based on linear-elastic fracture mechanics. By taking the orthotropic steel bridge deck test as the reference, the fatigue performance at the weld toe was calculated, and the reliability of the finite element model was verified. Stress intensity factor calculation analysis was performed by inserting an initial crack at the weld detail, with the effects of different loading positions and UHPC layer thickness on the value of the stress intensity factor at the crack tip considered. The results show that the hot spot stress at the weld of the top deck is higher than that at the weld of the U-rib, with the hot spot stress more obviously affected by the loading location. Additionally, the addition of the UHPC layer can increase the rigidity of orthotropic steel bridge decks, thus reducing the stress concentration at the crack tip. The stress intensity factor of the initial crack tip is reduced by about 89% when the UHPC pavement layer with a thickness of 50 mm is added. Therefore, the study can provide references for the design of UHPC-reinforced steel bridge decks.

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March 2025


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