Based on the design of the pile foundation construction platform for the Yushan water intake in Daishan Port, this paper introduced the adoption of the support system combining the steel pile casing and steel pipe piles in complex hydrogeological conditions. Most of the pile foundations feature small embedded length and are inclined piles with weak lateral rigidity, and they cannot resist the horizontal loads such as wind-wave-current during the typhoon period. Therefore, this paper introduced several measures taken to improve the overall lateral stability of the platform. The first measure is to improve the boundary conditions of pile foundations by focusing on the filling of rubble at the shallow soil-covered pile foundations. The second is to optimize the selection of the corners around the platform and pile foundations with small embedded length for the construction of the concrete-filled piles. Finally, the design problem of insufficient lateral stability of the platform due to large terrain undulation, complex hydrological and stratigraphic conditions and different tilting directions of pile foundations was solved, thus providing references for the design of similar projects.
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Submission Date
March 2025
Recommended Citation
Tao, CHENG; Su, FU; and Songtao, DENG
"Structure design of platform for construction of inclined pile foundation on the water under complex hydrogeology conditions,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
4, Article 29.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.04.029
Available at:
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