By taking the high vertical sand barriers deployed on the top of the complex longitudinal sand ridges in the hinterland of Taklamakan Desert as the object, this paper investigated the sand protection effect from the long-term perspective on the basis of several years’ comparative observation. The result analysis shows that in addition to the recognized sand blocking effect, high vertical sand barriers also have a more important role of sand fixation, which means that the barriers can change the original overall movement of sand dunes into only the falling sand slope forward, with the windward slopes basically fixed. Even if the barriers are buried by wind and sand, their sand fixation effect will still exist for a long time, which leads to remarkable changes in the wind and sand movement pattern. Consequently, the forward movement of the falling sand slopes is increasingly slower, with the average transportation speed dropping from about 0.99 m/y at the beginning of about half a year to about 0.49 m/y after 16 years. The “sand fixation” effect not only can significantly delay the time of “forward movement of sand dunes and burying the highway”, but also has great efficiency in sand hazard control. Therefore, high vertical sand barriers are indispensable in the sand hazard control system of roads in the mobile dune distribution areas, especially on the upwind side.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Changning, JIN
"Exploring long-term protective effect of high vertical sand barrier on top of complex longitudinal sand ridge in taklamakan desert,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
4, Article 3.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.04.003
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