To study the influencing factors of portal pier foundation construction adjacent to existing railway, this paper adopted the orthogonal test method based on numerical simulation to study the influence of five factors on the existing railway, including the length of bored piles, construction sequence of bored piles, excavation depth of foundation pits of the bearing platform, length of steel sheet piles, and number of steel sheet piles. The results show that during the bored pile construction stage, the most important factor is the construction sequence of bored piles. Meanwhile, during the stage of foundation pit excavation and substructure construction, the most important factor is the excavation depth of foundation pits, and the construction sequence of bored piles and length of steel sheet piles also have a significant effect, with no significant effect exerted by the number of steel sheet piles and length of bored piles. It can be seen that in the construction adjacent to the existing railway, the elevation of bearing platforms should be improved as much as possible, the excavation depth of foundation pits should be reduced, and the length of steel sheet piles should be increased appropriately to better protect the existing railway.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Minghua, LI; Jiahui, FENG; and Wenjing, HAN
"Orthogonal analysis of influential factors in construction of portal pier foundations adjacent to existing railway,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
4, Article 30.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.04.030
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