

In view of the practical application of welded cable clamps in Xintian Yangtze River Bridge, this paper adopted numerical calculation to analyze the fatigue performance of welded cable clamps and evaluate the fatigue life of the clamps. Firstly, a finite element model for Xintian Yangtze River Bridge was built to analyze the static characteristics of the bridge under constant and fatigue loads. Then, the geometric configuration of the welded cable clamps was analyzed and a numerical model of welded cable clamps was built, with the submodel technique adopted to analyze the mechanical properties of the clamps under different loads. Finally, the fatigue test data applicable to the welded cable clamps of Xintian Yangtze River Bridge was compared according to relevant specifications. Meanwhile, the fatigue life of the welded cable clamps was calculated by the empirical equations and FE-SAFE. The study shows that the results obtained by numerical calculations and empirical equations are close to each other, with the logarithmic fatigue life of the welded cable clamps being about 10. The welded cable clamps of Xintian Yangtze River Bridge will not experience fatigue damage within the designed service life.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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