

To study the influence of tunnel crossing construction on the existing tunnel structures, this paper took the overcrossing construction of the existing Chenba tunnel of Fuxia railway of Xingquan railway Lyugu No. 2 tunnel as the research project. By adopting the numerical simulation method of finite element, it studied the change rules of the displacement field and stress field of the existing tunnels affected by the overcrossing construction of the new tunnels. The results show that the influencing range subject to the effect of Lyugu No. 2 tunnel’s excavation on the existing Chenba tunnel is roughly within the range of 60 m before and after the interchange section. Meanwhile, the maximum uplift and maximum horizontal convergence displacement are 1.04 mm and 0.254 mm respectively, meeting the displacement control standard. Compared with the new tunnel before excavation, the axial force of the existing Chenba tunnel is reduced by 0.74%, the bending moment is reduced by 6.7%‒1.6%, and shear force is decreased by 1.5%‒7.7%, which meets the requirement for tunnel lining strength. Additionally, as the overall coefficient of safety of the existing Chenba tunnel lining is higher than 2, the coefficient of safety for lining meets the requirement. The numerical simulation results are in sound agreement with the measured results, providing references for the actual construction schemes.

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March 2025


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