

To accurately assess and calculate the structural stability of layered surrounding rock tunnels during construction, this paper firstly constructed a risk assessment index system for layered surrounding rock tunnels based on the consideration of factors of hydrogeology, structural surfaces, engineering, external forces, and topography and geomorphology. Based on the Delphi method (DELPHI) and entropy weight method (EWM), the combination of indicators was assigned. Based on the typical event samples and the mining of classical domains-joint domains of the assessment system, the extension analytic hierarchy process calculation model (EAHP) and normal cloud computing model (NCM) were built to assess the stability of layered surrounding rock tunnels respectively. The two risk assessment algorithms for two layered surrounding rock tunnels were validated by employing the Gonghe Tunnel. The results show that the assessment results of EAHP, NCM and BP neural network algorithms are in agreement with each other, the stability of the Gonghe Tunnel is in the range of Ⅲ‒Ⅳ, and the tunnel structure is in the “serious‒abnormal” state. This coincides with the frequent deformation of steel arch frames and occasional collapse accidents at the construction sites, and verifies the reliability of the risk assessment system and theoretical algorithms of this study on layered surrounding rock tunnels.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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