

To investigate the ice-melting ability of snow-melting agents and the effect of different salt freezing conditions on low temperature performance of asphalt mixtures, this paper carried out the ice-melting ability test, beam bending test and beam bending creep test. The results show that under the temperature of -20℃ and concentration 30% or more of the snow-melting agent, the ice can be melted. However, the melting ice quality is small. In terms of melting ice quality, the melting ability of the P-type snow-melting agent is better than that of the H-type snow-melting agent. Under the temperature of -10‒0℃, the recommended concentration for the P-type and H-type snow-melting agents is 20% and 30% respectively. At this time, the ice-melting effect is better, and the damage to asphalt pavement can be reduced. Meanwhile, under the salt freezing time of 24 h, the beam strength injury is close to the maximum, with the maximum reduction being only 2.25% compared with the salt freezing time of 72 h. In contrast, the creep rate decreases with the rising salt freezing time. The grey correlation analysis finds that the concentration of the snow-melting agents has the most significant effect on melting ice quality. Analysis of variance demonstrates that the significance degree of influence on the beam bending and tensile strength is in the order of temperature > concentration of snow-melting agents > salt freezing time.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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