

Pervious concrete contains a large number of macroscopic voids. To analyze the influence of the void structures on the mechanical properties of pervious concrete, this paper adopted the random void method to build a simulation model of pervious concrete, and study the effect of the characteristics of the void structures on the force properties. Firstly, two kinds of pervious concrete specimens with two void content levels were made indoor, and then the specimens were cut after curing and molding. Next, image enhancement and threshold segmentation were conducted on the section images of the cut surfaces, and two-dimensional digital images of void distribution were extracted to analyze the characteristics of the void structures. Based on the actual void structures, the random elliptic and random circular void simulation models were generated with the help of finite element software Ansys and Monte Carlo method. The simulation results show that under the same void level, the random elliptic void model has larger overall force deformation and more obvious internal stress concentration than those of the random circular void model. By comparing the simulation and experimental results of different void levels, the recommended value of the comprehensive modulus of aggregate-cement slurry material in the random void simulation model was obtained.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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