

To improve the frost resistance of concrete pavement under fatigue load, this paper simulated the freeze-thaw damage of concrete pavement under vehicle load by indoor fatigue loading and alternating freeze-thaw cycling test. Meanwhile, it designed the bending tensile test to test the residual bending tensile strength of nano SiO2-modified pavement concrete after freezing and thawing, and adopted the mercury injection method to test the microscopic pore structures of concrete. Additionally, by employing the electron microscope, the change rules of pores in the concrete under the action of fatigue load were observed, and the effect of nano SiO2 dosage, the number of fatigue load action on the frost resistance of pavement concrete was studied. The results show that under the action of fatigue load, adding appropriate amount of nano SiO2 can significantly improve the frost resistance of concrete pavement, and the increasing number of fatigue load action leads to more significant improvement effect of nano SiO2. Under the nano SiO2 dosage of 2%, the frost resistance is the best. Fatigue load will destroy the stability of the concrete pore structures, bring about pore connectivity, and accelerate the freeze-thaw damage of concrete specimens. Nano SiO2 can fill the concrete pores, reduce the void content of concrete pores, and improve the pore size distribution of concrete. Additionally, the fatigue load-induced pore structure destabilization and pore connectivity can be alleviated to improve the frost resistance of concrete pavement.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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