

To investigate the design and construction of wet subgrade in southern China, this paper selected three typical soil samples of the new highway subgrade of Ecological Avenue in Chongming District, Shanghai, and improved the samples by cement disposal technology. Meanwhile, the effects of the water content, degree of compaction, cement content, age of maintenance and stress state on the dynamic resilient modulus were analyzed by experimental methods. The results show that the effects of cement content, water content and age of maintenance on the dynamic resilient modulus of three kinds of cement-improved fine-grained soil in wet subgrade are larger, and more cement content and age of maintenance don’t necessarily lead to better effect. Additionally, the influence of the degree of compaction on the dynamic resilient modulus is not significant. Considering the significant effect of the stress state, it is recommended that the dynamic resilience modulus should be set at a conservative value in the design of wet fine-grained soil subgrade.

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March 2025


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