

Foam concrete is a kind of porous lightweight building material characterized by sound insulation and noise reduction, heat insulation and fire resistance, heat preservation and frost resistance. However, it has defects such as low strength, high porosity and poor integrity, thus limiting its wide application in the field of building materials. Recycled brick powder can be prepared from construction waste of clay bricks and has certain volcanic ash activity. Meanwhile, the mechanical properties of foam concrete can be improved by employing waste bricks as an admixture in cement-based composite materials. In view of the problems of the cement substitution method, in the experiment, this paper adopted the slurry substitution method to prepare recycled brick powder foam concrete, and investigated the brick powder foam concrete from the aspects of compressive mechanical properties and microstructures. The results show that the addition of recycled brick powder can improve the strength of foam concrete. Analysis on the hydration products and micro-morphology of recycled brick powder foam concrete reveals that as the substitution rate of recycled brick powder becomes larger, the recycled brick powder can better leverage its volcanic ash activity, thereby generating more hydration products. Additionally, due to the mixing of recycled brick powder, the specimen produces a micro-aggregate effect. This means that the recycled brick powder fills the tiny pores of foam concrete, making the microstructure more compact.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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