Considering the effect of the sand ratio and aggregate to binder ratio, this paper improved the traditional mix ratio design method-volumetric method, and investigated the influence of the sand ratio, aggregate to binder ratio, and maintenance method on the mechanical properties and permeability coefficient of pervious concrete based on the improved method. The results show that under the sand ratio of 15%, the compressive strength of concrete is significantly increased and the permeability is not affected. When the aggregate to binder ratio is 3.0‒3.1, the compressive strength and permeability coefficient of the concrete can be both considered. Additionally, compared to the standard maintenance, high temperature water maintenance is not an effective way to improve the comprehensive properties (compressive strength and permeability) of pervious concrete. The adoption of the improved mix ratio design method can make it possible to prepare pervious concrete with compressive strength of more than 30 MPa and a permeability coefficient of about 6 mm/s. The permeability coefficient K of pervious concrete is inversely proportional to the 28 d compressive strength S, which can be expressed as K=1/(0.0478+0.00402S). The effective voidage can explain the reasons for the variations of the compressive strength and permeability coefficient of the concrete with the sand ratio, aggregate binder ratio, and maintenance method.
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Submission Date
March 2025
Recommended Citation
Yazhou, WEI and Rongqing, JI
"Study on mix design and performance of permeable concrete considering sand ratio and aggregate to binder ratio,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
4, Article 42.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.04.042
Available at:
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