

To solve the difficult placement of small structures on highways caused by the decreasing workability of cement concrete construction in winter seasons, this paper developed a nanomodified additive to investigate its effect on the performance of cement concrete. Sulfonate naphthaleneformaldehyde (SNF), nanoSiO2, rosin soap (WSR) and sodium nitrate (NaNO3) were formulated into a variety of additives in different ratios and mixing contents to prepare cement concrete, with the fluidity, segregation and compressive strength studied. The results show that the optimal ratio (mass) of nanomodified additives is SNF:0.4%, nanoSiO2:0.1%, WSR:0.05%, and NaNO3:4.0%. The fluidity, segregation and compressive strength of the concrete prepared with the optimal nanomodified additive ratio meet the requirements, thus finding applications in the placement and maintenance of cement concrete for small structures on highways.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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