

By combining the study process and conclusion of the interchange scheme of the Lugao hub as an important node of G4216 Jinyang-Ningnan Expressway Project, this paper discussed the ideas and methods of selecting the hub interchange shape under complex terrains and high functional requirements. It aimed to provide certain references for the design of hub interchange schemes in special Y-shaped terrain conditions. The Lugao hub interchange location is deeply cut by the Jinsha River and its branches, with narrow valley bottoms, extremely steep cross slopes, and harsh engineering construction conditions. Meanwhile, in the limited space, the specific requirements of the highways for hub conversion and landing function should be satisfied. In addition, there are more controlled factors. In the main line where the bridge tunnel ratio is as high as 92.4%, the hub interchange is extremely limited in the open sections. The ramp connection location is controlled by the super major bridge of the main line (continuous rigid frame). The elevation of the connected highway is 40 m higher than the intersection of the two projects, while that of the ground level intersection is 62 m lower than the intersection. This paper systematically reviewed and summarized the experience of systematically grasping control factors, selecting reasonable schemes appropriately, and continuously optimizing the schemes in complex terrain conditions from multiple perspectives and throughout the entire process. Finally, new ideas are provided for the design of hub interchange schemes in similar terrain conditions.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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