Based on the design of the Minxiao hub interchange, this paper analyzed the technical problems of frequent traffic accidents after the initial reconstruction of Minxiao hub interchange, and put forward corresponding reconstruction suggestions. In the interchange design details, the design points about the dual lanes adopting single lanes and speed change lanes only put forward the distance requirement of 60 m for the transition sections, but whether the gradual changes of the travel lanes and hard shoulders are completed in the same road section or not is not clarified. The initial reconstruction of Minxiao hub interchange is designed to complete the gradual changes of travel lanes and hard shoulders separately in different road sections. Although this design meets the requirements of the standard widening gradual change rate and the shortest transition distance, it does not conform to the driver’s driving psychology, resulting in frequent traffic accidents. This interchange reconstruction shows that in the ramp design, the design of the dual lanes employing single lanes and speed change lanes should put the gradual changes of lane width and hard shoulders in the same road section for completion, and should not be set up separately.
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Submission Date
March 2025
Recommended Citation
Tian, HU; Ximing, TAN; Xuebin, YI; and Hui, WEI
"Research on interchange reconstruction design of minxiao hub,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
4, Article 50.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.04.050
Available at:
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