

To explore the intelligent detection and monitoring methods of pavement performance, this paper utilized the self-developed driving data collection app to collect vibration acceleration and other data of the pavement during driving, and carried out the feasibility study of evaluating the pavement rutting by driving vibration. Firstly, the collected vibration acceleration data was processed for noise reduction, and the driving vibration characteristics in different working conditions were analyzed. Secondly, seven time domain indicators with high correlation between vibration acceleration and the rutting were extracted as the initial set of indicators, and the seven indicators were downscaled into two independent principal components by principal component analysis. Finally, the two principal components and the speed were adopted as the evaluation indexes to build a rutting evaluation model based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The results show that the average absolute error of rutting evaluation conducted by the proposed method is 1.03 mm, with the average relative error of 16.4%. The built model can provide more accurate evaluation of the pavement rutting, which can provide certain references for real-time monitoring of the pavement rutting by employing big data.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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