

In view of the factors influencing the temperature field of CRC+AC composite road surfaces, this paper analyzed the temperature field distribution and influencing factors of CRC+AC composite road surface structures based on the meteorology and heat transfer theories, and conducted 3D solid modeling and numerical simulation by adopting Abaqus finite element software. The results show that in certain conditions, the deeper distance from the road surface leads to smaller temperature change of the road surface structure. When the depth exceeds 0.6 m, the temperature is almost unchanged and has little difference with the outside ambient temperature. By increasing the thermal conductivity, heat capacity, and road surface emissivity of asphalt road surfaces, and reducing the absorption rate of solar radiation, the road surface temperature at high temperatures and the harm of rutting and cracking of the road surfaces can be decreased. In both low temperature at night and high temperature during the day, changing the thickness of the asphalt layer does not have much effect on the road surface temperature, but in the high temperature during the day, the temperature in the surface layer decreases with the increasing thickness of the asphalt layer, with a large decrease range. The results can provide both technical support for the prevention of asphalt cracking and rutting in CRC+AC composite road surfaces, and theoretical basis for material selection and structural design.

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March 2025


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