

The wheel sticking-free emulsified asphalt is a key material to solve the wheel sticking problem in the process of asphalt pavement construction,with the wheel sticking-free effect as the core index.The accurate evaluation of the wheel sticking-free effect is important for the popularization and application of wheel sticking-free emulsified asphalt.Based on the research results in China and abroad,two test methods for wheel sticking-free effects (counterweight method and indenter method ) were innovatively proposed,and the wheel sticking-free effects of various emulsified asphalt were evaluated.The test results show that the two test methods can accurately evaluate the wheel sticking-free performance of emulsified asphalt,and the test results are in good agreement.Specifically,the counterweight method is suitable for rapid evaluation on construction sites,and the indenter method is suitable for scientific research,testing,and analysis.The two test methods require simple equipment and convenient operations,and they are suitable for the evaluation of wheel sticking-free effects of wheel sticking-free emulsified asphalt in various scenes such as construction sites and indoor research.

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Submission Date

February 2025


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