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During the preparation of the recycled asphalt mixture,part of the aged asphalt is first transferred from the surface of the recycled material to the new aggregate and then diffused and fused with the new asphalt,in which the percentage of transferred aged asphalt plays a key role in the final regeneration effect.In order to study the degree of transfer of aged asphalt in reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP ),the mobilization rate (RMR) was calculated and analyzed based on the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR ).The AC-13 graded recycled asphalt mixture was mixed and sieved to separate the new aggregate and RAP.The recycled asphalt was extracted,and its carboxyl index (ICI) was determined by FTIR.The RMR was calculated according to the equation.In addition,the influences of RAP temperature,mixing time,and regenerants on the RMR were evaluated.The test results show that the RMR can be increased by 15.5% when the RAP temperature is raised from 135 ° C to 160 ° C.When the mixing time is extended from 90 s to 180 s,the RMR can be increased by 17%.The addition of regenerants can improve the RMR,and the effect of regenerants for warm mix is better than regenerant for hot mix.

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Submission Date

February 2025


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