The development of the transportation an d tourism industry has led to bridges fulfilling additional roles,such as tourism,alongside their transportation functions,resulting in significant changes in structural aerodynamic shape and ventilation rate.This paper analyzed a double-tower single-span steel truss suspension bridge with a main span of 1 088 m,re-evaluated its wind resistance performance through the full-bridge aeroelastic model wind tunnel test,and evaluated the pedestrian comfort problem while studying the wind-resistant stability of the structure.The results indicate that the structural dynamic characteristics of the bridge remain almost unchanged before and after altering the aerodynamic shape of the bridge for its scenic spot function,with no aerodynamic instabilities like vortex-induced vibration or flutter.After changing the aerodynamic shape,there is a noticeable increase in both lateral and vertical static-wind displacement responses,with a certain difference between the two in the torsional direction,whereas no clear pattern emerges.The change in the aerodynamic shape of the bridge,designed around a scenic spot,results in a decreased vertical buffeting response,while the lateral and torsional buffeting responses show a significant increase.After calculation,the structural comfort meets design requirements.
Publication Date
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Dade, JING and Yi, SU
"Influence of Aerodynamic Shape Change on Wind Resistance Performance of Large Span Truss Bridge,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
1, Article 16.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.01.016
Available at:
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