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Corrugated steel box culverts exhibit a higher section utilization rate compared with circular,arched,and pipe-arch corrugated steel structures,making them more suitable for for scenarios with restricted embankment height.While numerous studies focus on strengthening strategies for corrugated steel box culverts,research on selecting cross-sectional forms is scarce.This study utilized the finite element analysis software Abaqus to develop finite element models of corrugated steel box culverts with sidewall inclination angles of 0°,5°,10°,15° and 20° respectively.The impact of these inclination angles on the structural stress and deformation outcomes was analyzed.The results indicate that increasing the sidewall inclination angles can effectively reduce vertical deformation and maximum stress within the structure.Selecting sidewalls with inclination angles ranging between 5° and 10° is recommended to optimize the high section utilization rate of corrugated steel box culverts.

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Submission Date

February 2025


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