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Each strand wire of the main cable in the suspension bridge constructed by the AS method is sleeved and anchored on the strand shoes on both banks.The strand shoe transmits the strand force to the anchoring system through the pull rod.The bearing capacity of the strand shoe after the interaction between the strand shoe and the wires of the main cable,the stress state of the wires after small curvature bending,and the influence of installation accuracy of the pull rod on the anchoring reliability all need to be qualitatively and quantitatively studied and verified by the experiment.In this paper,the main cable suspension bridge constructed by the AS method,namely Yangbaoshan Bridge,was studied,and experimental studies were carried out on the strand shoe and strand under the four working conditions:design load of 6 150 kN in the normal pull rod condition,as well as 0.5° deflection of the pull rod relative to the anchor plate in the horizontal direction,vertical direction,and 45° direction.The results show that the bearing capacity of the strand shoe meets the design requirements.There is no abnormal deformation or damage after the wire bends with a small curvature.The strand shoe and pull rod are connected reliably and have good assembly performance.The spherical washer structure can ensure that the pull rods have an eccentric adjustment ability of about 1°.In order to ensure the design and use requirements of the strand shoe and pull rod are met,it is suggested that the axial installation control precision of pull rods and strands should be maintained within 0.5°.

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February 2025


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