Near-field earthquakes are more destructive to the continuous rigid frame bridge with high piers and long span.Based on a new-built continuous rigid frame bridge with high piers and long span,considering the seismic demand probability of bridges under near-field earthquakes,this paper utilized OpenSees to analyze the time history of the bridge.The structure response of the bridge under near-field earthquakes was obtained by the nephogram method,and the vulnerability of the bridge under earthquake was analyzed based on the curvature demand probability model of the structure.The results show that the probability response of curvature demand of a continuous rigid frame bridge with high piers and long span is concentrated when the PGA is low,and the probability response of curvature demand is reduced when the PGA is large.Under the action of near-field rare and extremely rare earthquakes,the probability of serious damage and complete failure of bridge piers is almost zero,and the bridge structure can be repaired in medium earthquakes and cannot collapse in strong earthquakes.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Yongjiang, SUN
"Fragilit y Analysis of Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge with High Piers and Long Span Subjected to Near‑Field Earthquakes,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
1, Article 22.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.01.022
Available at:
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