In order to eliminate the dust produced by tunnel blasting more quickly and effectively,two kinds of mist spray and dust reduction schemes were put forward,which were the “air duct water mist wrapped type ” and the “vehicle-mounted water mist wrapped type ”.The field test was carried out on Jiaoding Tunnel in Yunnan.The results show that for the dust reduction technology scheme of “air duct water mist wrapped type ”,the dust concentration of the No.1 characteristic position at the tunnel face decreases to 3.87 mg/m3 after 10 minutes of dust reduction,which meets the specification requirements.For the dust reduction technology of “vehicle-mounted water mist wrapped type ”,compared with the initial state without dust reduction,the dust concentration decreases the fastest in the first 20 minutes,and the decreasing amplitude of the dust concentration in the characteristic positions of No.1,No.2,and No.3 after 20 minutes are 70.6%,61.1%,and 89.9%,respectively.Both air duct and vehicle-mounted water mist wrapping technology can achieve corresponding dust reduction effects,with the latter having a more significant effect.
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Submission Date
February 2025
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Yijun, WANG; Fei, WANG; Yuedi, JIA; Weihua, PAN; Xingchun, HE; and Wenhui, YAO
"Test on Water Mist Wrapped Dust Reduction Technology for Tunnels,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
1, Article 25.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.01.025
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