

This paper took the tunnel-type anchorage on the left bank of a grand bridge over the Qingjiang River as an example and established a three-dimensional geological generalization model based on the engineering geological analysis.In addition,the paper used different software to realize the approximate grid discrete division of complex rock mass and tunnel-type anchorage structure.FLAC3D software was used to simulate different working conditions,and the deformation characteristics and bearing capacity of the tunnel-type anchorage were obtained.It is found that the potential failure mode of the tunnel-type anchorage is that the anchor and the rock mass cut by the structural plane on the upper part of the anchor will slide along the rock/concrete bonding surface at the bottom of the anchor under the tension of the main cable.The adopted research ideas and relevant research results can provide technical support for the practice of tunnel-type anchorage engineering of the grand bridge over the Qingjiang River.At the same time,they help to build a systematic analysis and research method and evaluation index system of tunnel-type anchorage,which is of reference significance for the subsequent construction of tunnel-type anchorage engineering.

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Submission Date

February 2025


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