In order to study the stress characterist ics of water film on cement concrete road surface under the action of the tire and the influence of grooves,the finite element model of tire-water film-road surface was constructed using SolidWorks and Ansys Workbench.Based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD ) control equation and fluid-structure coupling theory,the flow law of water film on road surface under the action of the tire and the influence of water film thickness,driving speed,groove width,groove spacing,and groove direction on the hydrodynamic lift of tire were analyzed.The results show that the hydrodynamic lift of the tire increases with the increasing water film thickness.The hydrodynamic lift increases obviously as the water film thickness exceeds the tread depth of the tire.The hydrodynamic lift of the tire can be reduced effectively by increasing the groove width and decreasing the groove spacing.The drainage performance of transverse pavement grooves is better than that of longitudinal pavement grooves under the same groove parameters,and the effect of the former in reducing the hydrodynamic lift is better.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Zhenhao, SUN and Jun, CHEN
"Analysis of Stress and Drainage Characteristics of Water Film between Tire and Road Surface and Influence of Groove Parameters,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
1, Article 4.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.01.004
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