The existing design specifications do not make special design provisions for pavements in long and large longitudinal slopes,and the directly applied design specifications ignore the stress characteristics of these pavements,which fail to guarantee pavement performance and life.In order to realize the differential design of the pavement structure of special road sections,based on the measured dynamic modulus of asphalt mixture,annual traffic volume,and temperature data,this paper used the self-developed temperature-axle load analysis software to convert the real traffic volume into standard axle load.Abaqus software was used to establish a rut model under the coupling effect of measured axle load and temperature,and the influence of long and large longitudinal slopes on rut development law was analyzed.The results show that the increase in slope leads to a decrease in speed,which easily causes rut disease of asphalt pavements in long and large longitudinal slopes.Based on the rut equivalence principle,the correction factor of axle load conversion under different slopes and slope lengths is proposed,which provides a theoretical basis for the differential design of asphalt pavements in long and large longitudinal slopes.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Chenchen, GUO; Tingting, DING; Xin, LYU; Jianxiu, SUN; Jizhe, ZHANG; and Zhanyong, YAO
"Rut Development Law and Correction Factor of Axle Load Conversion of Asphalt Pavement in Long and Large Longitudinal Slope,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
1, Article 5.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.01.005
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