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In order to study the compre ssive,flexural,and shear strength and deformation characteristics of marine silt cement soil,a series of laboratory mix ratio tests were carried out,so as to test the changes in unconfined compressive strength fcu,flexural strength ff,normalized shear strength τqg,normalized principal stress difference (σ1‒σ3)/σ3,and compression modulus Es under different dosage of curing agents,curing ages,and cement-to-lime ratios.In addition,the correlation between different parameters was investigated.The results show that the performance of the improved samples with cement and lime is 2%‒17% higher than that with cement alone under the same dosage.The strength of cement soil is proportional to the dosage and age of the curing agents and inversely proportional to the cement-to-lime ratio.The strength is mainly formed in the early stage of molding,and the growth rate of the strength at the early stage accelerates with the decrease in the cement-to-lime ratio.The strength of most parameters at a curing age of 14 d has exceeded 50% of those at a curing age of 90 d,and the strength at a curing age of 28 d has exceeded 70%.When the cement-to-lime is 0.5,the above indexes are the best.In addition,there is an obvious linear relationship between different parameters,with ff,τqg,(σ1‒σ3)/σ3,and Es being 0.33‒0.35,0.35‒0.37,9.58‒10.31,and 17.27‒17.66 times of fcu,respectively.

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February 2025


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