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To investigate the anti-ultraviolet (UV) aging performance of waste tire pyrolysis carbon black (TPCB)-modified asphalt,TPCB-modified asphalt was prepared and subjected to UV aging tests alongside the base asphalt at various intervals.The micro changes and surface roughness of two kinds of asphalt surfaces were studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM).The behavior changes in ductility,softening point,and penetration of two asphalts before and after UV aging were tested by asphalt performance tests.The results show that the reduction height of TPCB-modified asphalt is smaller than that of base asphalt,and the surface roughness is larger than that of base asphalt at each time.The performance change value of TPCB-modified asphalt before and after UV aging is smaller than that of base asphalt.Compared with the base asphalt,the asphalt modified with pyrolytic carbon black from waste tires has better UV aging resistance.

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February 2025


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