Given the potential resource value of rec laimed asphalt pavement,waste rubber powder,and bagasse fibers,it is meaningful to develop the cooperative utilization of various solid wastes.This paper studied the microstructure and thermal characteristics of bagasse fibers,carried out the mix design of a reclaimed asphalt mixture with bagasse fibers and rubber-modified asphalt,and evaluated its road performance.At the same time,the test road was paved successfully and observed for a time.The results show that the hollow lumen with multilayer fiber structure in bagasse fibers contributes to absorbing free asphalt in mixtures and enhances the adhesion between bagasse fibers and asphalt.The thermal properties of bagasse fibers and lignin fibers are approximately the same.However,in the second stage of thermogravimetric tests,the differential thermogravimetry curve of bagasse fibers shows a double-peak structure,while that of lignin fibers reveals a single-peak structure.After adding bagasse fibers,the dynamic stability value of the rubber-asphalt recycled mixture increases by 24.6%,and the failure strain value of the bending test at low temperatures increases by 19.3%.The immersion Marshall residual stability and the freeze-thaw splitting residual strength ratios increase by 4.7% and 8.6%,respectively.The paved test road is in good condition as well.Overall,bagasse fibers have a certain role in improving the road performance of reclaimed asphalt mixtures with rubber-modified asphalt,mainly by promoting the anti-deformability of mixtures,enhancing the skeleton action of aggregates,and increasing the structural strength and toughness of mixtures.
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Submission Date
February 2025
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"Road Performance of Reclaimed Asphalt Mixture Mixed with Bagasse Fibers and Rubber‑Modified Asphalt,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
2, Article 14.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.02.014
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