In order to explore the feasibility of applying sandstone in the asphalt pavement of expressways,the physical and mechanical indexes of sandstone and limestone aggregate were compared,and the high temperature performance,low temperature performance,and water stability of asphalt mixture were studied from the aspects of grading type,asphalt type,and aggregate lithology.The results show that the road performance of asphalt mixture synthesized by clean and regular sandstone aggregate meets the requirements of current specifications.At the same time,the comprehensive road performance of sandstone asphalt mixture with 1% anti-stripping agent has been improved.
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Submission Date
February 2025
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Jianmin, LOU; Xiandong, MENG; Zhike, SONG; Lidong, ZHAO; Julong, BAI; Shengli, ZHAO; and Jishuang, ZHU
"Feasibility of Sandstone Used in Asphalt Pavement of Expressways,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
2, Article 16.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.02.016
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