The non-uniform corrosion of spinning strands will induce concrete cracking.A non-uniform expansion model of corrosion products of strands was established,and a mesoscopic numerical model of concrete cracking caused by non-uniform corrosion of strands was built.Concrete was considered as a three-phase composite material composed of mortar matrix,aggregate,and interface layer.The concrete cracking behavior caused by the non-uniform corrosion of strands was simulated by embedding cohesive elements.The rationality of the proposed model was verified by existing experimental data,and the influence of protective layer thickness and aggregate content of concrete on the width of corrosion-induced cracks was discussed.The results show that the proposed non-uniform mesoscopic numerical model can reasonably simulate the whole process of concrete cracking caused by non-uniform corrosion of strands.Considering the non-uniform corrosion characteristics of the strand can effectively improve the prediction accuracy of corrosion-induced cracking.The width of corrosion-induced cracks increases with the decrease in the protective layer thickness of concrete and decreases with the increase in concrete aggregate content of concrete.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Tianbao, ZENG; Hong, CHEN; Xiaoqi, HUANG; Ronghui, TU; and Lizhao, DAI
"Mesoscopic Numerical Simulation of Concrete Cracking Caused by Nonuniform Corrosion of Strands,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
2, Article 19.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.02.019
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