

The main bridge of Zhungeer Yellow River Super Major Bridge is a (160+440+160) m double tower double cable plane full floating system concrete grider cable-stayed bridge.The main beam is a 28.4m wide double box prestressed concrete structure.It was constructed by cantilever pouring with a front fulcrum hanging basket.The maximum weight of the cantilever pouring section is 5 800 kN.To ensure the integral rigidity of the hanging basket,the hanging basket bearing platform adopted the steel box girder structure.The long and large components were connected by high-strength bolts made in sections to facilitate the transportation and installation of the hanging basket.The hanging basket adopted the “secondary lengthening ” technology to reduce the quantities of high-altitude support erection;The one-click start automatic synchronous control technology was adopted for the lowering,walking,and lifting of the hanging basket.A series of new processes and innovative technologies are designed for the cable-stayed cable force conversion device and the hanging basket installation support.

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Submission Date

February 2025


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