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In view of inaccurate vibration prediction of foundation pit blasting,the influence of blasting point position and foundation pit height on vibration during foundation pit blasting excavation was studied by using finite element simulation software.First,based on the foundation pit blasting excavation of the Mawan Cross-Sea Passage,a numerical simulation was carried out to verify the applicability of the model.Then,under unchanged blasting center distance,the distance from the blasting point to the edge of the foundation pit and the foundation pit height were changed respectively,and the influence of these two factors on surface vibration was studied.The results show that a greater distance from the blasting point to the edge of the foundation pit indicates a smaller vibration velocity of the corresponding distance measuring point.As the height of the foundation pit increases,the vibration velocity of the corresponding distance measuring point gets larger.The influence of foundation pit height on surface vibration velocity is greater than that of blasting point position.The research results can provide some reference for the vibration prediction of foundation pit blasting and have practical engineering significance.

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Submission Date

February 2025


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