

In order to study the influence of concrete barrier slope parameters on the protective effect against vehicle collision,the vehicle models and concrete barrier models were established.The validity of these models was verified using the real vehicle test data.Then,the collision analysis was conducted on the single-slope concrete barrier with different slopes,improved concrete barrier with different slope parameter combinations,and reinforced concrete barrier with anti-climbing function by using the validated models,respectively.The results show that the slope is the key parameter that affects the protective performance of the single-slope barrier,and vehicles cannot be effectively protected if the slope is too small or too large.The comprehensive protective performance of the barrier is relatively better under the standard parameter value of 80°.The slope angle (α and β),vertical height (a,b,and c),and slope width (s) of the improved concrete barrier are the key parameters affecting its protective performance.The comprehensive protective performance of the improved concrete barrier is relatively better under the condition of the standard slope parameters (α=84°,β=55°,s=12.5 cm,b=18 cm,and c=7.5 cm).The anti-climbing function has little effect on improving the protective performance of the improved concrete barrier.However,the barrier will have an obvious effect on preventing vehicle rollover when combined with the new jersey safety barrier.

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Submission Date

February 2025


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