During the construction and expansion of expressways and national and provincial highways,more diversified requirements have been put forward for the median barrier,including reliable protective performance,small footprints,beautiful traffic environments,and economic costs.However,the existing median barrier achievements still have some shortcomings.In order to better meet the design and use needs of median barriers for highways,theoretical analysis,computer simulation,and full-scale impact tests with real vehicles were adopted,and the force characteristics of different types of median barriers were analyzed.A new design concept of beam-column integration was put forward.Through systematic research on the barrier height,width,beam,column,foundation,and other structures,a land-saving and beautiful median barrier was developed.The median barrier had a protective performance at SAm level and an overall width of 50 cm.It could save construction land,and the single beam-column integrated structure enabled a more penetrating landscape,required less material consumption,and made the cost more economical,with excellent comprehensive performance.
Publication Date
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Jingjun, LI; NG Xin, WA; Jie, QI; Zijian, WANG; and Siyuan, LIU
"Design and Evaluation of Land‑Saving and Beautiful Median Barriers,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
2, Article 28.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.02.028
Available at:
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