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The variable cross-section geocell retaining wall of the Chengdu –Yibin Expressway test road in Sichuan Province of China was studied.First,the construction method of the new-type assembled geocell retaining wall was introduced,and the new-type glass fiber reinforced plastic lightweight panel was used to effectively solve the problem that the panel of the retaining wall is not neat and easy to be damaged.Secondly,the supporting effect of the retaining wall was analyzed by field monitoring.The field monitoring results show that the earth pressure at different parts of the retaining wall is nonlinearly distributed along the height of the retaining wall.The earth pressure at the bottom of the retaining wall is large,but it is small at the top and decreases locally.At the same height of the retaining wall,the earth pressure at the back and the middle of the retaining wall is larger,while that at the wall surface is smaller,indicating that the earth pressure attenuates greatly from the middle of the retaining wall to the wall surface.The monitoring results of the horizontal displacement of the wall show that the horizontal displacement curve is S-shaped,and there are two displacement demarcation points.The horizontal displacement changes obviously at the position where the wall section changes,and the horizontal displacement at the top and bottom of the retaining wall is the maximum and minimum,which are 30 mm and 3 mm,respectively.The settlement monitoring results of the retaining wall show that the settlement of the retaining wall during the construction period is large,accounting for about 70%‒90% of the total settlement,and the post-construction settlement is small.The maximum settlement of the wall occurs at the top of the retaining wall,and the maximum settlement is only 23 mm.Finally,the earth pressure distribution and deformation law of the stepped retaining wall are analyzed with the earth pressure calculation theory.The results show that the deformation of the retaining wall conforms to the mode of “rotation + translation + rotation around the bottom of the wall”.The earth pressure at the back of the retaining wall obtained by the calculation method in this paper is close to the measured value and is safer when it is used for retaining wall design.

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February 2025


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