The rigid-flexible composite pavement,as a kind of durable pavement structure,has been widely used for heavy-duty traffic,special geological conditions,bridge tunnel paving,etc.In order to promote the application of durable rigid-flexible composite pavements and clarify the key research issues and development directions,relevant research progress of rigid-flexible composite pavements in China and abroad was reviewed.Based on the structure design theory and construction technology of rigid-flexible composite pavements,the structural mechanical behavior characteristics of rigid-flexible composite pavements were described,and the stress induced by load and temperature of asphalt surface layer and rigid base layer,as well as their interactions were analyzed.The asphalt surface layer on the rigid base layer was directly subjected to the load and environmental effects and improved the stress and temperature fields of the underlying structural layer.It was the key factor influencing the performance and service life of rigid-flexible composite pavements.It was identified that diseases of rigid-flexible composite pavements mainly appeared in the asphalt surface layer.Due to the huge modulus difference between the asphalt surface layer and the rigid base layer,the asphalt surface layer on the rigid base layer was more prone to produce compression-shear failure.The cracking of the rigid base layer and the bonding state between rigid and flexible layers also played an important role in the performance of asphalt pavements.Finally,the technology of improving the performance of rigid-flexible composite pavements was summarized from three aspects:shear resistance of asphalt surface layer,integrity of base panel,and bonding between the flexible and rigid layers.It was an effective way to improve the performance and durability of rigid-flexible composite pavements by conducting integrated structure-high-performance material design based on the structural mechanical characteristics of rigid-flexible composite pavements.
Publication Date
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Zhaohui, LIU; You, HUANG; Shiqing, YU; Jingyu, LIU; Sheng, LI; Li, LIU; and Yu, PAN
"Structure and Material of Rigid‑Flexible Composite Pavements and Development,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
2, Article 4.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.02.004
Available at:
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