In order to study the slippage mechanism of asphalt concrete overlay on continuous reinforced concrete composite pavement (CRCP),the structure of the composite pavement was modeled using the elastic layered system,and the interlayer bonding state of the model was calibrated by the measured data of the road.In the analysis of interlayer mechanical behavior,it was found that when the horizontal force coefficient was 1,there existed a tension-shear zone behind the wheel,which may lead to the failure of this zone prior to the position of the maximum interlayer shear stress.Relevant test data analysis shows that when the horizontal force coefficient is 1,under the action of the normal temperature and standard axle load,the maximum tensile stress position is not destroyed before the maximum shear stress position.Under the action of high temperature and overload,the fatigue life of the maximum shear stress position is lower than that under the normal temperature and standard axle load.The maximum tensile stress position loses bonding between the layers,and the shear stress caused by the load will lead to direct destruction between the layers.In the field road survey,a U-shaped crack is found in the long longitudinal slope and curve position,and the AC surface layer falls off in a large area when the crack is serious.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Xiaoliang, CHENG; Fuhao, DENG; Yang, WANG; Leilei, HAN; and Wujun, ZHOU
"Reasearch on Fatigue Failure Law in Tension‑Shear Zone behind Wheel in Rigid and Flexible Composite Pavement,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
2, Article 5.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.02.005
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