With the long tunnel as the research object,the variation of volatile organic compound (VOC) volume fraction,CO volume fraction,and illuminance in the construction area of the middle of the tunnel under the conditions of hot mix technology and warm-mixed flame retardant technology was tested respectively,and the influence of warm-mixed flame retardant technology on the construction environment of asphalt pavement in long tunnels was analyzed and evaluated.The results show that when the pavement of a long tunnel adopts hot mix technology,the mass concentration of asphalt fume in the whole operation area is relatively high,and that in some areas exceeds the threshold value.The illuminance is below the pedestrian illuminance standard.When warm-mixed flame retardant technology is employed,the mass concentration of asphalt fume in the construction area is significantly reduced.VOC volume fraction is reduced by 26.8%,and CO volume fraction is reduced by 21.9%.The illuminance in the construction area is increased by 103.2%,and the construction environment has been significantly improved.A good construction environment of tunnel pavement is not only conducive to the physical and mental health of the construction personnel but also contributes to the quality of tunnel pavement construction.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Jianglin, XIAN; Yanxiang, LI; and Qingyang, YANG
"Influence of Warm‑Mixed Flame Retardant Technology on Construction Environment of Asphalt Pavement in Long Tunnel,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
2, Article 7.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.02.007
Available at:
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