Evaluation of Long‑Term Water Stability of Acidic Diorite Asphalt Mixtures in Different Environments
The short-term water stability of acidic diorite asphalt mixtures with acid-alkaline composite aggregates mixed with cement (2% cement instead of mineral powder ),slaked lime (30% slaked lime water for stone immersion ),and anti-spalling agent (modified asphalt with 0.3% anti-spalling agent ) was evaluated by Marshall test of immersion,freeze-thaw splitting test,and rutting test.Then,by repeated freeze-thaw splitting test,repeated freeze-thaw and baking splitting test,and repeated acid-etching freeze-thaw splitting test,the long-term water stability of the treated acidic diorite asphalt mixtures in different environments was tested.The results show that the physical and mechanical properties of acidic diorite meet the specification requirements;the short-term water stability of the treated acidic diorite asphalt mixtures is significantly improved and meets the specification requirements.However,the long-term water stability of the acidic diorite asphalt mixtures treated with 0.2% anti-spalling agent is poor at high temperatures.The acidic diorite asphalt mixtures treated with 30% slaked lime water have good long-term water stability and can be recommended for engineering applications.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Zhonglu, CAO; Ping, CHEN; Xuewen, LIU; and Bo, TAN
"Evaluation of Long‑Term Water Stability of Acidic Diorite Asphalt Mixtures in Different Environments,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
2, Article 8.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.02.008
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