Cracking in emulsified asphalt cold recycled pavements is one of the main constraints on their large-scale application in road engineering.To study the fracture performance indicators of cold recycled asphalt mixture and the improvement measures of crack resistance performance,this study investigated three types of mixtures:ordinary emulsified asphalt,basalt fiber,and styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) modified emulsified asphalt.This study conducted a four-point bending strength test on notched beams,and acoustic emission tests of the beam with prefabricated cracks were carried out to evaluate the fracture performance of three different emulsified asphalt cold recycled mixtures in road engineering.The evaluation criteria included strain energy release rate,stress intensity factor,energy collected in acoustic emission test,and ringing count-impact number.A comparative analysis of the fracture performance was conducted on three distinct emulsified asphalt cold recycled mixtures,with and without the addition of basalt fiber and SBR modification.The test results show that both the use of SBR-modified emulsified asphalt and the addition of basalt fibers significantly improve the fracture resistance of the cold recycled emulsified asphalt mixture.Compared to the use of SBR modified emulsified asphalt,the addition of basalt is more effective.The parameters of ringing count and impact number can better describe the fracture characteristics of materials.There is a good correlation between the results of acoustic emission tests and the calculation results of fracture mechanics parameters.The acoustic emission signal parameters can we ll describe the fracture characteristics of emulsified asphalt cold recycled mixture during the four-point bending test.The research results of this paper offer valuable insights into the design of the fracture resistance of emulsified asphalt cold recycled mixture and the application of acoustic emission technology in the research of cold recycled mixtures.
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Submission Date
February 2025
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Chenfeng, CHU; Jun, DENG; Chen, ZHOU; Zi ’ang, WANG; Ao, KUANG; and Hongfu, LIU
"Experimental Study on Fracture Performance of Emulsified Asphalt Cold Recycled Mixture,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
2, Article 9.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.02.009
Available at:
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