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Using solid waste in the road engineering field for subgrade filling is an important approach for building green and low-carbon emission roads.However,most solid waste contains heavy metal pollutants to varying degrees,and heavy metals will be released under complex environments including rainfall infiltration and groundwater immersion,thereby causing pollution to the surrounding soil and groundwater if not handled properly.This paper reviewed the current status of research on four aspects,including the comprehensive use of solid waste materials in subgrade engineering,the leaching and migration behaviors of heavy metals in solid waste,and the prevention and control treatment of heavy metals in solid waste.It is found that solid waste has a wide range of applications in subgrade engineering,but little research has been focused on the pollution characteristics of heavy metals in subgrade containing solid waste,and the long-term leaching behavior and migration mechanism of heavy metals in subgrade are still unclear.In order to assess and regulate the pollution performance of solid waste,the migration pattern of pollutants in the subgrade structure needs to be further investigated.By summarizing and comparing the prevention and control treatment technologies for pollutants in solid waste,it is found that geopolymers have broad application prospects in the disposal of hazardous heavy metals in solid waste.

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February 2025


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