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Currently,life cycle cost analysis (LCCA ) and life cycle assessment (LCA ) methods are commonly used to assess the economic and environmental impacts of pavement during the whole life cycle.However,there are drawbacks in the application of LCCA and LCA methods,such as a large amount of data and multiple data categories,which lead to a tedious evaluation process.In view of this,some scholars have tried to combine building information modeling (BIM ) with LCCA and LCA methods to optimize the evaluation process.In the pavement field,the combination of LCCA and LCA with BIM is still in its infancy,lacking a summary of relevant research results.Therefore,this paper summarized the research on LCCA,LCA,and LCCA-LCA methods for pavement,as well as their combination with BIM to explore the existing problems and challenges.It is found that the application of BIM can optimize the LCCA and LCA processes and realize the dynamic coordination of design and evaluation.However,the low integration degree and the lack of unified data format standards between modeling software and evaluation software hinder the application and development of BIM.

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February 2025


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