This paper investigated the effects of particle size and content of recycled aggregate on the anti-freezing performance of cement-stabilized recycled aggregate mixture,so as to provide a reference for the fine utilization of recycled aggregate with different particle sizes.The basic performance indexes of recycled aggregates with different particle sizes were tested,and the optimum moisture content and maximum dry density were determined by compaction test.The specimens were prepared with 4% cement content,and the anti-freezing performance of the mixture was evaluated by testing the unconfined compressive strength loss of the mixture after the freeze-thaw cycle.The results show that the optimum moisture content increases,and the maximum dry density of the mixture decreases with the increasing particle size and content of recycled aggregate.When recycled aggregate of 4.75‒9.5 mm is added,after five freeze-thaw cycles,the strength of the mixture first increases and then decreases with the increasing content of recycled aggregate.After ten freeze-thaw cycles,the strength of the mixture decreases with the increase in the content of recycled aggregate.When the recycled aggregate of 9.5‒19 mm and 19‒26.5 mm is added,with the increasing content and particle size of recycled aggregate,as well as the number of freeze-thaw cycles,the strength of the mixture deteriorates.The variation law of the anti-freezing performance of cement-stabilized recycled aggregate mixture is different with the change in content and particle size of recycled aggregate.In general,with the increasing content and particle size of recycled aggregate,as well as the number of freeze-thaw cycles,the anti-freezing performance of the mixture is worse.
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Submission Date
February 2025
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Jiajia, ZHENG; Laijun, ZHANG; Xihui, WANG; Jianwei, XIE; and Zhiyong, CHEN
"Anti‑Freezing Performance of Cement-Stabilized Mixture for Recycled Aggregate from Solid Construction Waste,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
3, Article 11.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.03.011
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